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Being blind means that a person cannot see or can see less than 5% or that the sight is limited to less than 10 degrees. Therefore being blind does not mean that the person cannot see at all. Some people still see the difference between light and dark. From the figures published by Vision2020, it emerges that an estimate of 76,000 people in the Netherlands is blind.

Causes of blindness

  • Congenial (by birth), including cortical blindness
  • Genetic deviation in one eye or in both, such as retinitis pigmentosa
  • Acute blindness after an accident or a fall on the head, for example non-congenial brain damage
  • Temporary blindness due to shock or illness
  • Aging, for example cataracts

Even with visual limitation, a person can still continue to function independently. Visio supports you in relearning to use your capabilities and in acquiring skills. This could apply to every day activities, such as getting dressed, making coffee, cleaning, as well as skills in the area of mobility, leisure-time spending, education, paid or voluntary work.

Options offered by Visio

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