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Addresses Visio headquarters and business offices

Headquarters Huizen    

Postal adress

Postbus 1180
1270 BD Huizen

Visiting adress

Amersfoortsestraatweg 180
1272 RR Huizen
T 088 585 50 00

Ga naar de routebeschrijving

Business office Nijmegen

Wijchenseweg 102
6538 SX  Nijmegen
T 088 585 86 00

Business office Vries

Veenweg 20
9481 TJ Vries
T 088 586 10 00


Financial administration

 Royal Dutch Visio
Att. financial adminastration
Postbus 4171
7320 AD  Apeldoorn

The financial administration can be reached by telephone on +31 (0)88 585 66 61
Invoices can be digitally sent to

Visio in your area

About Visio

Visio welcomes anyone with questions about being partially sighted or blind. Visio provides information and advice as well as different services related to research, counselling, rehabilitation, education and living.

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