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Engelssprekende mensen met visuele beperking gezocht voor fotografieopdracht

Deze Engelstalige fotografiestudente is vanwege haar opleiding op zoek naar slechtziende of blinde mensen die ze mag fotograferen. Voorwaarde is wel dat er in het Engels gecommuniceerd kan worden. Vandaar dat we haar oproep in het Engels plaatsen.

My name is Gayathri. I am a second-year photography student in The Fotofactory, Amsterdam. As part of this year’s assignment, I am working on a documentary on human vision. With this series of photographs, my aim is to demonstrate how people having difficulties with their vision overcome such difficulties in their daily life. This would mean, I will be spending several hours with you photographing your daily life such as how you manage your daily chores, how you interact with people or pets at your home or outside etc.

I will be extremely grateful, if you can take part in this documentary project. The photographs will be only used for this assignment. It will not be published in internet or elsewhere without your permission. You can reach me at

Close-up van een Oog